Founded in 1986, Fèis Rois (pronounced “Faysh Ross” and meaning “Ross-Shire Festival”) creates transformative opportunities for people of all ages to engage with and participate in the traditional arts and Gaelic language.
Fèis Rois is well known for its residential courses enabling people of all ages to play traditional music. The courses take place in Ullapool as follows:
Easter holidays: a 5-day residential course for children from P5 to S1
October holidays: a 5-day residential course for pupils of secondary school age
May Bank Holiday Weekend: a 3-day course for adults over the age of 18
In addition, almost 300 people take part in weekly music classes and sessions offered by Fèis Rois across Ross-Shire. The weekly classes take place in Ullapool, Muir of Ord, Dingwall, Fortrose and Evanton, and people of all ages can learn to play fiddle, accordion, clarsach, guitar, mandolin and tin whistle, and participate in ensemble playing. The Kiltearn Fiddlers grew out of the weekly classes programme.
One of Fèis Rois’s most renowned projects is its summer Ceilidh Trail. As well as being a cultural tourism initiative, this is an important professional development opportunity for young musicians aged 16 – 25 who are considering a professional performance career.
You can read more about the work of Fèis Rois at www.feisrois.org.
The organisation also delivers workshops in traditional music, song, story and dance in many schools across Scotland. Read more at www.feisroisfoghlam.org.